Solar Panels & PV Residential Inverters

Solar Panels & PV Residential Inverters

Solar Power is probably the easiest and important source of energy that is available everywhere on this globe. If harnessed properly, this can be one of the most strategic sources of energy across the whole world. Both wind and Solar are the most effective sources of energy that is readily available in abundance almost everywhere.

According to a study by the International Energy Agency, in 2014, by the year 2050, solar would be the largest source of electricity and of the solar installations would be in India and China. In the year 2019, solar power contributed to about 2.7% of the total worldwide electricity production.

Solar power is highly economical. The photovoltaic systems do not use any fuel and the module lasts 25 to 40 years. Governments in various countries are encouraging the use of solar power for the development of their economies, as this is perhaps the most important source of renewable energy. Jesco has strategically partnered with AE Solar and KSTAR to provide quality energy at your doorstep and too at a very affordable price.

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